. . "AD 406 invasion of Gaul" . "city was sacked for the second time" . "Crossing of the Rhine" . . "crossed the frozen Rhine" . . . "breach of the Rhine borders" . "had crossed the Rhine" . "Alans" . . "set over" . . "crossed the poorly defended Rhine frontier" . . "invaded Gaul" . "breached the Rhine river" . "Vandal\u2013Frankish war" . . "Rhine crossing of 406" . . "cross the Rhine into Gaul" . "crossed" . "crossing the Rhine" . "moved across the Rhine" . . "new invaders" . ":Crossing of the Rhine#Vandal\u2013Frankish war" . "Crossing of the Rhine#Vandal\u2013Frankish war" . . . "invasion" . "cross the Rhine" . . . "Crossing_of_the_Rhine" . . "Crossing of the Rhine" . "flooded into Gaul" . "across the Rhine" . . "crossing of the Rhine" . "crossing" . . "crossed the Rhine" . . . "crossed the Rhine River" . "406" . . . .