"Crossing the Rubicon" . "cross the Rubicon" . . . "fall of the Republic" . "crossing over" . "crossed" . "crossed de Rubicund" . "Rubicon crossed" . . . "crosses the Rubicon" . . "Crossing of the Rubicon" . "Rubicon" . "crossing of the Rubicon" . "famously crossed" . "passed Rubicon" . . "across the Rubicon" . "crossing the Rubicon" . "Crossing the Rubicon" . "entering into Italy at the head of his army on January 10, 49 BCE" . . "crossed the Rubicon river" . "crossing the Rubicon River" . "Rubicon is passed" . "crossed something of a Rubicon" . "crossed the boundary of his territory" . "to cross the Rubicon" . "crosses" . "crossed the Rubicon" . "marched on Rome" . "10 January 49 BC" .