"Hitler died in Berlin" . "the dictator's death" . . . . "Hitler's death" . "his death by suicide" . "1945" . "kill himself" . . "shot himself" . "dictator's suicide" . "Hitler committed suicide" . "Hitler killed himself" . "die in 1945" . "Hitler's suicide" . "single gunshot" . "death of Adolf Hitler" . "killed himself" . "suicide" . "committed suicide together" . . "Suicide by gunshot" . . . "dead" . . "death" . "did in a bunker in May 1945" . . . "Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945" . "he committed suicide" . "Adolf Hitler's suicide" . "Adolf Hitler committed suicide" . "committed suicide" . "suicide on 30 April" . "Hitler would commit suicide when he lost the war" . "died by suicide" . "Hitler as dead" . "killed themselves" . "Hitler had decided to commit suicide" . "die as with the official story" . "commits suicide in his bunker" . "Hitler's last days" . "Adolf Hitler had indeed committed suicide" . . "they committed suicide" . "Hitler kills himself" . "his presumed suicide" . . "the last of his headquarters" . "30 April 1945" . "Death of Adolf Hitler" . "committing joint suicide" . "commits suicide" . "1945" . . "killed themselves together" . "die in his Berlin bunker" . "Hitler died by a suicide gunshot" . "his suicide" . . "his apparent fate in Berlin" . . "Death" . . "Hitler commits suicide" . . "Adolf Hitler's suicide in Berlin" . "he had really died" . "Adolf Hitler had committed suicide" . . . "Suicide of Adolf Hitler" . . . "his death" . "Hitler had died" . "committed suicide in Berlin" . "Death of Adolf Hitler" . "his own suicide" . "Hitler's skull" . "Adolf Hitler's dental remains" . . "committing suicide" . "shot himself in the right temple" . . "Death of Adolf Hitler#Suicide" . "commit suicide" . "suicide, and cremation" . "Soviet autopsy" . "the last 10 days of Hitler's life" . "alleged autopsy" . "Hitler committed suicide here" . . "commit suicide together" . "suicide of Hitler" . "Adolf Hitler" . "Hitler shot himself" . "Suicide" . "His suicide" . "Hitler\u2019s suicide" .