"Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution" . "dechristianization of France during the French Revolution" . "official rejection of religion" . "dechristianization of France" . "dissolution of monasteries and convents" . "French Catholics fleeing" . "property was confiscated from the clergy" . "dechristianization" . "dechristianisation" . . "plan for the destruction of the Christian religion." . . . "the collapse of the church's authority in France" . "\\\"Dechristianization\\\"" . "properties and lands of the Church were confiscated" . . "Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution" . "antireligious government policies" . "replacing the deposed Catholic Church" . "anti-religious policies" . "suppressed Catholicism" . "persecution of clerics" . "a process of dechristianization" . "Dechristianisation of France" . "de-Christianization" . "Dechristianisation" . "Revolution" . "French Revolution" . "anticlerical government policies" . "campaign to dechristianize France" .