"decommunization" . "Decommunization in Ukraine" . "laws that ban communist symbols" . "decommunization of Ukraine" . "2015 laws prohibiting names of Communist origin" . . "law prohibiting names of the communist origin" . "until June 2016" . "Ukrainian decommunisation legislation" . "campaign against the Soviet memorial legacy" . "the Law of Decommunization in Ukraine" . "bills" . . "laws that banned communist symbols" . "Ukraine's decommunization process" . "decommunization of the country" . "Ukraine" . "Decommunization Law" . "2015 Ukrainian decommunization laws" . . "decommunization in Ukraine" . "laws banning Communist names in Ukraine" . "demolished" . . "decommunisation process" . "law on decommunization" . . . . . "the removal of communist monuments and the mandatory renaming of streets and other public places and settlements with a name related to" . "decommunize Ukraine" . "the removal of communist monuments" . "de-communization" . "2015 decommunization law" . "(all) monuments connected with communist themes and/or persons are illegal in Ukraine" . . "decommunization efforts" . "its decommunization laws" . "decommunization laws" . "since 2015, offenders in Ukraine" . "Ukraine's decommunization campaign" . "law prohibiting names of Communist origin" . "removal of Soviet-era awards under decommunization" . "2016" . "decommunized" . "decommunisation" . "de-communization laws" . "2015 decommunization laws" . "is prohibited" . . "this former emblem in Ukraine is now banned" . "decommunization laws in Ukraine" . "the removal of communist monuments and the mandatory renaming of settlements" . "have been prohibited in Ukraine" . . "decommunization process in Ukraine" . "Ukrainian decommunization" . "removal of communist monuments and the mandatory renaming of settlements with names related to" . "process of replacing Soviet toponyms" . "Ukraine's current decommunization process" . "decommunisation laws" . "Ukraine's national decommunization process" . "decommunization policies" . "unlike Ukraine" . "made the use of the flag illegal" . "the law on decommunization" . "law banning Communist names in Ukraine" . "Ukrainian decommunization laws" . "decommunization process of Ukraine" . "condemning the Soviet Union and the Nazis" . "Decommunization in Ukraine" . "2015 decommunisation law" . "removal of communist monuments and the mandatory renaming of settlements" . . "decommunization law" . "decommunization process" . "banning Communist symbols" . "removal of Soviet" . . "prohibited in Ukraine" . "removal of all communist themed monuments in Ukraine" .