"jumped from a window" . "out of a window" . . "kill himself by jumping out of the flat's window" . "thrown out of a window" . . "defenestration" . "out of a second-story window" . "Defenestration" . "defenestrating" . . "thrown into a canyon" . "throwing" . "shoving him out of a window" . "Defenestration#Self-defenestration (jumping out of a window)" . "self-defenestration" . "throws the witness out of a high window" . "pushed out of a second-story window" . . "defenestrates" . . . "thrown from a window" . "Defenestrated" . . "self-defenestrated" . "throws out his window" . "pushed her out of the window" . "defenestrated" . "threw his body out of a window" . "thrown to his death" . . "he runs out of a window" . "throwing him through a window" . . "Defenestration#Self-defenestration (jumping out of windows)" . "throwing him out a window" . "falling through a window" . "pushing him out of a window" . "threw himself out of" . "thrown through a window" . . "throwing her out of a window" . . "pushed through a window to his death" . "threw him out the window" . "thrown out the window" . "Suicide" . "tossed out of a tower window" . "thrown" . "suicide by jumping" . . "literally thrown out of the window" . "jumping" . "throw through a window" . "pushed out of a window" . "threw him" . "thrown out of their office window" . "Defenestration" . . "out the window" . . "autodefenestrated" . "throw Jezebel out of a window" .