"dendrochronolog" . "Tree rings" . . . "dendrochronological tables" . . "tree ring chronologies" . "dendro dated" . . "dendrochronological dating" . . "Tree growth" . "dendrochronological method" . "tree-ring studies" . "Dendrochronology" . "felling dates" . "Age determination in woody plants" . "Dendrochronological examination" . . "tree-ring dated" . "dendrochonology" . "ring count" . "dendrochronological age" . "Dendochronology" . "Tree-ring analysis" . "tree-ring" . "dendrochronological studies" . "dendrochronologist" . "tree ring records" . "dendrochronological examinations" . "Tree ring dating" . . "growth rings of trees" . "tree ring" . "Dendrochronological dating" . . "patterns of the tree rings" . "Dendrochronologist" . "tree-ring dating (dendrochronology)" . . "dendrochronologic" . "scientifically dated" . . "based on conifer growth" . . "Tree-Ring Dating" . "tree ring-evidence" . "dendrochronologically" . "tree-ring counts" . . . "dated" . "dendro-dates" . "Tree ring" . "Dendrochronology#Growth rings" . "dendrochronological methods" . "Dendrodates" . "tree age" . . "tree ring cycle" . "dentochronological" . "Dendrochronological research" . "dendrochronological evidence" . "tree-ring dates" . "tree-rings" . "dated based on its tree-rings" . "ring counts" . "dendrochronological analysis" . "annual rings" . "Dendrochronologic" . . "Tree-ring dating" . "tree-ring analysis" . . . "dendochronological" . "rings" . "dendrochronologists" . . "dendrochronlogy" . "wood" . . "dendrochronological investigations" . "Tree ring studies" . "dendrochronological study" . "growth-ring testing" . "tree ring analysis" . "Tree Ring" . "chronology" . "Dendrochronologists" . "tree-ring method of dating" . "dendrochronological" . . . . "Dendrochronological evidence" . "dendrochronologically dated" . "tree-ring date" . "bristlecone pine tree ring data" . "dendrochonological" . "tree rings" . "d" . "Tree ring analysis" . . "Tree-ring" . "tree rings dating" . "dendrochronological research" . "Analysis of the timbers" . "dendrochronology" . "tree ring dating" . "Dendrochronologically dated" . . "dendrochronological examination" . . "Dendrochronology" . . . "count the growth rings" . "ring markings" . "measured growth rings" . "dating of wooden piles" . "dendrochronological dates" . "tree growth rings" . "Dendrochronological" . "study of tree rings" . "Tree-ring research" . "tree-ring calibration" . . "growth rings" . "dendrochronology test" . "tree-ring dating" .