"deserter" . "deserters." . "Desertion#Absent_Without_.28Official.29_Leave" . . "armed-forces deserters" . . "skedaddle" . . "Deserters" . "fled from the battlefield" . . "Desertion" . "deserted their posts" . "deserting soldier" . "desert" . "absence without leave" . "naval deserters" . "fled" . "absent without official leave" . "deserts" . "going AWOL" . "Flight to enemy country" . "Desertor" . "deserting the company" . "Absent Over Leave" . "Absent without official leave" . "desertion" . "deserting his post" . "Desertion" . "the Vietnam War" . "deserting soldiers" . . "Desertion#Desertion versus absence without leave" . "Desertion#Absence without leave" . "returning late to camp" . . "flee the base" . "to leave" . "unauthorized absences and desertions" . "Unauthorized Absence (UA)" . "Absence without leave" . "deserter list" . "AWOLs" . "AWOL" . "Missing movement" . "French leave" . "Unauthorized Absence" . "disintegrate" . "'deserters'" . "Deserter" . "\\\"flight from the flag\\\" (desertion)" . "jumped ship" . "goes AWOL" . "\\\"over the hill\\\"" . "desertion charges" . . "desertion and soldiers going AWL" . "unauthorized absences" . "army deserter" . "Absent Without Leave" . "former Imperial officers" . "deserters" . "deserted" . "'''A'''bsent '''W'''ithout '''L'''eave" . "went AWOL" . "renegade sniper" . "absent without leave" . . "A.W.O.L." . . "escape" . "absence without leave (AWOL)" . "forgot" . "resigned" . "desertions" . "Deserted" . "military deserters" . "deserting" . "left" . "Away Without Leave" . . "Desertion with intent to join the enemy" . "missing movement by design" . . "Absent Without Leave (AWOL)" .