. "(East) German Writer's Association" . . "East German Writers' Association" . . "Schriftstellerverbandes der DDR" . . . . "Deutscher Schriftstellerverband" . . . . . "Association of German writers" . . "Deutscher Schriftstellerverband" . . "German Writers' Association (''\\\"Deutscher Schriftstellerverband\\\"'')" . "(East) German Writers' Association" . "East) German Writers' Association" . "(before 1990 \\\"East\\\") \\\"German Writers' Association (''\\\"Deutscher Schriftstellerverband \\\"'')" . "Writers' Association of the German Democratic Republic" . "German Writers' Association" . . "East German writers association" . "DSV" . . . "(East) German Writers' Association (''\\\"Deutscher Schriftstellerverband\\\"'')" . "Writers' Union" . "Writers' Association of the GDR" . "Schriftstellerverband of East Germany" . "Writers' Association" . "Schriftstellerverband der DDR" . "GDR's Writer Union" .