"1922 dissolution of the empire" . "Monarchy and Caliphate abolished" . "Empire declined" . "dissolved" . "dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire" . "Ottoman Empire is dissolved" . "Ottoman Empire was dissolved" . . "Empire's end" . "the collapse" . "so ended the empire" . "defeat and breakdown of the Ottoman Empire" . "empire's collapse" . "the demise of the Ottoman Empire" . "Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire" . "Western attack" . "dissolution" . "weakness" . "Ottoman Empire was dissolved after World War I" . "Dissolution era" . "subsequent dissolution" . "dissolution of the Ottoman Empire" . "twilight years" . "empire's process of disintegration" . "decline in the power and extent of the Empire" . "collapse of the Ottoman Empire" . "former Ottoman Empire" . "Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire" . "its dissolution" . . "collapse" . "breaking up of its empire" . "declining Ottoman Empire" . . "collapse of the Ottoman empire" . "disband" . "fall of Ottoman Empire" . "Ottoman" . "dissolution phase" . "Ottoman Empire's Dissolution" . "final years" . "late Ottoman Empire" . "breakup of the Ottoman Empire" . "dissolution of the empire" . "defeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire" . . "collapse of the Empire" . . "dissolving Ottoman Empire" . "rapidly dissolving" . "Decline Period V: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (1909\u20131918)" . "collapse of Ottoman Turkey" . . . "fall of the Ottoman Empire" . "Ottoman Empire fell" .