"controlled several territories there" . . "Dutch colonies" . "Netherlands" . . "the Dutch" . . "Dutch Americas" . . "Dutch origins" . "DUTCH SETTLEMENT" . "established by the Dutch" . "the Netherlands" . "settled by the Dutch" . "Dutch settler" . "Dutch colony in Brazil" . . "Dutch Americans" . "Settled" . "Dutch-founded" . "colonizing" . "Dutch" . "Dutch settlers" . "Dutch colonialists" . "Dutch government" . . "New Flanders" . "Dutch settlements" . "Dutch colony" . . "settlers in the area" . "Dutch colonial times" . "Dutch explorers" . "colonized much of the northeastern coast of North America during the 17th Century" . . "Nieuw Holland" . "Dutch colonists" . "Caribbean Islands" . "the Dutch as a colonial capital" . . "Dutch colonial" . "Dutch colonization of the Americas" . "Dutch Colonial Studies" . "colonial" . "Dutch colonial empire in Brazil" . . "colonists" . "Dutch influence" . "settlers from that country" . "Dutch explorer" . "Dutch began settling" . "Dutch Colony" . . . "Dutch colonies in the United States" . "Dutch Colonial" . "Dutch had settled in the area generations before" . "his Dutch ancestors" . "Dutch colonization" . "Dutch founders" . . "Dutch settlement" . "Dutch colonizers" . "Dutch farmers" . . "Dutch colonization of the Americas" . . "Dutch colonists in America" . "Dutch colonial rule" .