"grammar school" . . "Education in the Netherlands#MBO" . "The Netherlands" . "kindergarten" . "mavo-4" . "Dutch education system" . . "secondary education in the Netherlands" . . "Dutch academic system" . "schooling system" . "Education_in_the_Netherlands#History_of_education" . . "Education in the Netherlands#Higher education" . "HBO" . . . "Dutch colonial education" . "MBO" . "primary education" . "VMBO" . "Education_in_the_Netherlands#Criticism" . "Dutch higher education system" . . "elementary school" . "middelbaar beroepsonderwijs" . "WP" . "Atheneum" . "Dutch system of education" . "educational system" . "Education in the Netherlands" . "Education in the Netherlands" . "streams of the Dutch secondary education system" . "voortgezet onderwijs" . . "Dutch secondary education system" . "Dutch educational system" . "HBS" . "profiles" . "secondary school" . "GCE" . "voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs" . "mbo" . "Dutch school system" . "atheneum" . "Gymnasium" . . "higher education in the Netherlands" . "VMBO, HAVO" . "education system" . "HBO qualification" . "education" . "secondary education" . . . "freedom of education" . "gymnasiums in the Netherlands" . "the Netherlands" . "Netherlands" . "profile" . "MULO" . "high schools" . "Mavo and Havo" . "education in the Netherlands" . "high school" . "HTS Amsterdam" . . .