"into a" . "Empowerment Act" . . "Erm\u00E4chtigungsgesetz of 1933" . "now banned" . "r\u00E9gime change" . "one party dictatorship" . "Enabling Act of 23 March 1933" . "\\\"emergency legislation\\\"" . "unconstrained" . . "single-party dictatorship" . "Enabling Laws" . . "outlawed till two months later" . "post-democratic dictatorship" . . "abolished" . "closed down political pluralism" . "emergency legislation" . "dictatorship" . . "Enabling Act" . "confiscated" . "Enabling Act of 1933" . "Enabling Act of March 23" . . "Nazis seized power" . "eventually converted" . . "government's Enabling Act" . "one-party dictatorship" . "dictatoriship" . . "1933 legislation" . "were banned" . "powers" . "enabling act of 23 March 1933" . "came to power" . "1933" . "Hitler became Chancellor" . "enabling Act of 1933" . "the one passed by the Reichstag" . . "1933 act" . "succeeded in doing in 1933" . "suspension of democracy" . "Germany" . "became illegal" . "Nazi takeover of power" . . "enabling act" . "23 March 1933" . "Legislation" . . "ban" . "dictatorsship" . "emergency powers" . . "withdrawn" . "suspend its powers and constitution temporarily" . "early focus" . "Nazi take-over of 1933" . "the" . "dictatorship in 1933" . "cancellation of democracy" . "a post democratic" . "Enabling Act of 1933" . "March 23, 1933" . "converted" . "post-democratic" . "party dictatorship" . "made the party illegal" . "Germany in 1933" . "cancellation of German democracy" . "enabling legislation" . "democracy was suspended" . "converting" . . "illegal" . . "now illegal" . "one-party state" . "cancellation" . "Enabling Act of 24 March" . "rules had been changed" . "developments" . . . "series of laws" . "became" . "award him dictatorial powers" . "abolition of democracy" . "new r\u00E9gime" .