"only" . . . "endemic to Brazil" . "endemic)" . "endemic level" . "endemic plant species" . "Endemism#Ecoregions_with_high_endemism" . "endemic taxa" . "found only in" . "edemic" . . "unique to" . "exist only in Cape Town" . "living only" . "endemid" . "only found growing in the wild" . "endemites" . "only lives" . "island endemic" . "not found anywhere else (endemics)" . "restricted area (endemic)" . . "endemic bird" . "endemic flora" . "regionally endemic" . "endemicly" . "Native" . "near-endemic" . "local endemics" . "endemism" . "endematic" . "found only" . "common" . "indigenous" . . "nowhere else in the world" . "only (endemic)" . "endemic plant" . "endemicity" . "native" . "endemic to Australia" . "endemic trees" . "endemic forms" . "narrow endemics" . "Endemism" . "only occurs" . "found only at" . "well-defined areas" . "native range" . "endemic" . "endemic species" . "unique indigenous fauna and flora" . "endemicvaliriia" . "only found" . "endemite" . "only known from" . "endemic shieldtail" . "endemic area" . "unique" . "Found only" . "regional endemic" . "endemic fauna" . "found" . "grow nowhere else on earth" . "biodiversity of New Caledonia" . "native plant species" . "endemic[]] to New South Wales. It has smooth bark, lance-shaped to curved or elliptical adult leaves, flower buds in groups of seven, white flowers and hemispherical or cup-shaped fruit." . . "local endemic" . "found nowhere else" . . "endemical" . "known only (endemic)" . "endemic life" . "endemic plants" . "island endemics" . "endemic to" . "endemic to island" . "occur only" . "native species" . "only habitat" . "not been found elsewhere" . "only member" . "not found anywhere else in the world" . "Endemic" . "endemic flower" . "native only to" . "unique fauna" . "lives only" . "Endemic species" . "unique to the area" . "only around" . "endemics" . "endemis" . "endemic range" . "restricted range" . . "found exclusively" . "endemi" . "end" . "restricted" . "endemic birds" . "Endemism" .