"activators" . "semi-competitively" . . "autoinhibits" . "reversibly" . "Inhibition." . "enzyme inhibition" . "inhibited" . "decreasing" . "Enzyme mechanisms and inhibition" . "binding to and inhibiting" . "Ki" . "inhibit" . . "inhibits" . "inhibition constant" . "Inhibiting" . "Inhibitors of enzyme" . "inhibitors" . "reversibly inhibits" . "Enzyme_inhibitor#Reversible_inhibitors" . "Pharmaceutical inhibition" . "inhibitory" . "rapid-equilibrium inhibitor" . "''K''i" . "Enzyme inhibitory" . "feedback inhibition" . "Enzyme inhibitor" . "irreversible inhibitors" . "inhibitors of enzymes" . "inhibiting the enzyme" . "Inhibitors" . "inhibit the enzymatic activity" . . "tight binding inhibitor" . "suppress" . "Enzyme_inhibitor#Irreversible inhibitors" . "highly potent inhibitors" . . "block" . "Enzyme inhibition" . . "inhibitor of the enzyme" . "inhibitor" . "Inhibitor" . "inhibition" . "inhibitory activity" . "interference at the enzyme-level" . "Enzyme inhibitor#Reversible inhibitors" . "reversible inhibitor" . "Dissociation constant (Ki)" . "protein inhibitors" . "competitive inhibitor" . "irreversible inhibitor" . "inhibiting enzymes" . "auto inhibited" . "Inhibitors of enzymes" . "end product inhibition" . "Enzyme inhibitor#Irreversible inhibitors" . . "Ki" . "irreversible inhibition" . "inhibit this enzyme" . "compete" . "enzymatic inhibition" . "synthesis inhibitor" . "enzyme" . "Indirect inhibition" . "reversible" . "Irreversible inhibitors" . "non-covalent inhibitors" . "small molecule inhibitors" . "irreversible" . "inhibiting" . "selectively inhibiting" . "Inhibition" . "Enzyme inhibitor" . "Ki value" . "enzyme inhibitor" .