. "hastily evacuated inside the new border" . . "evacuations" . . "the Finnish evacuees" . "evacuated to central Finland" . "moving to the Finnish side of the new border" . . "hastily evacuated" . "Finnish refugees" . . "Evacuation of Finnish Karelia" . "evacuated from the ceded territory" . "Finnish Karelian evacuatees" . . "evacuation of Finnish Karelia" . "Karelian refugees" . "evacuated from the ceded Karelia" . "evacuated" . "Karelians evacuated" . "fled these areas" . "was evacuated" . . "evacuated from the ceded areas" . "refugees" . "Expulsion of Finns from Karelia" . . "were evacuated from the area" . "Karelian Evacuees" . "evacuated from Karelia again" . "evacuees" . . "were evacuated and lost their homes" . "Karelian evacuees" . "evacuated Karelians and Finnish Karelians" . "evacuated from Karelia" . . . . "ceded Karelia" . "made refugees" . "were evacuated" . "evacuated Karelian population" . "over 400,000 people were evacuated" . "evacuated at the close of World War II" . "Evacuees from Karelia" . "inhabited by just under 1,100 Karelian migrants" . "refugees from Karelia" . "immigrants from Finnish Karelia" . . "Evacuation of Finnish Karelia" .