. "Donald Trump's travel ban" . "President Trump's executive order on refugees" . "2017 executive order" . "an executive order" . . "executive order to ban travel" . "a travel and immigration ban" . "travel ban from selected countries" . . "immigration ban" . . "extreme vetting" . . "Provisions of Order 13769" . . "executive order 13769" . . "Executive Order 13768" . . "executive order \\\"Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States\\\"" . "Executive Order 13769" . "executive order barring persons from certain majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States" . "executive order tightening immigration restrictions on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries" . . . "Trump Administration's travel bans" . . "refugees from Muslim majority countries" . "EO 13769" . . "Trump-like travel ban" . "Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals" . "U.S. travel policies" . "first travel ban" . "order" . "\\\"Muslim ban\\\" executive order" . "Trump's executive order on travel and immigration" . "executive order suspending all entry of citizens from certain Middle Eastern nations" . "immigration executive order" . "executive order restricting entry into the United States" . "executive order suspending entry of certain foreign nationals" . "president's executive order that bans refugees" . . . "order to restrict entry" . "executive order banning the entry of all Iraqi citizens, as well as citizens of six other countries" . . "executive order imposing a travel and immigration ban" . "executive order banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim nations" . . "decree to halt immigration from several Muslim-majority countries" . "first refugee-and-travel ban" . . "Executive Order" . "executive order on travel and immigration" . "Trump's travel ban" . "Muslim travel ban" . "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States" . "a ban on travel" . "executive order" . "Trump administration's executive order" . . "President Trump's executive action on immigration" . "executive order banning visitors from certain majority-Muslim countries from entering the US" . "a proposed travel ban" . . "\u201CMuslim Ban\u201D" . "ban on citizens from 7 Muslim-majority countries entering the United States" . "American travel ban" . "Muslim ban" . "ban travelers from several Muslim nations" . "executive order by Donald Trump on January 27, 2017" . "2017 travel ban" . "original Travel Ban" . "executive order barring nationals from seven majority-Muslim nations" . "Trump administration" . "temporary ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries" . "executive order on travel, immigration, and refugees" . "an executive order that bans travelers from several Muslim nations" . . "earlier draft" . "refugee policies" . "temporary ban on refugees from several Middle Eastern states" . . "Trump's revised executive order" . "federal executive order limiting immigration" . "Trump travel ban" . . "Travel Ban" . "travel restrictions" . "revised travel ban" . "original" . "Trump's executive order" . "immigration by refugees" . "refugee ban" . "trave" . . "executive order of travel ban" . "executive orders" . "travel ban" . "travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries" . "order to ban entry from seven Muslim-majority countries" . "order to ban people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States" . "banning entry of persons from seven Muslim countries" . "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States" . "Ban on Muslim Immigration" . "its travel ban" . "Muslim Ban" . "Executive Order 13769" . . "Executive Order 13769" . "anti-immigration policy" . . . "2017 U.S. travel ban" . "Trump administration's ban" . "ban on immigration to the United States" . . "\\\"Muslim travel ban\\\"" . "Trump's immigration ban" . . "Muslim-targeted travel ban" . "first" . . "executive order to temporarily ban refugees from the United States" . "Temporary ban on immigration from several Muslim majority countries" . "Muslim-majority countries" . "travel restrictions to Muslim countries" . . "an executive order banning refugees from seven countries, six of which have Muslim majorities" . "executive order banning immigrants from Muslim countries" . . "executive order on January 27 banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States" . . "so-called #MuslimBan" . . "Trump's controversial travel and immigration ban" .