"forcibly expelled" . "face deportation" . "Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia" . "expulsion of ethnic Germans" . . "ethnic cleansing of 1945" . "German expellees from Czechoslovakia" . "expelled in 1945" . . "expulsion of the majority of Germans" . . "expulsion of the German-speaking population" . "Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia" . "forcibly expelled from the country" . "expulsion of over one million Sudeten ethnic Germans" . "expel the country's German population" . "expulsion of its large ethnic German minority from the country" . "expulsed" . "wholesale ethnic cleansing" . "refugees" . "driven out" . "expulsion in 1945" . "transferred to Germany" . "displaced relatives" . "almost completely expelled" . "'Wild' expulsions from Czechoslovakia" . . "ethnic Germans were expelled" . "Czechoslovaks of German ethnicity were expelled" . "1944/45" . "expelled and denaturalised Czechoslovaks" . "after 1945" . "expulsion of Germans resident in Czechoslovakia" . . "Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia" . "denationalization of Germans from Czechoslovakia" . "Germans who were expelled" . "expulsion of ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia" . "were expelled" . "forcefully deported" . "encourage Germans to flee" . "expelled to Germany" . "expelled" . . "expulsions carried out" . "German occupation of Czechoslovakia" . "before 1945" . "expelled German refugees" . "was expelled" . "deportations of Germans" . "expulsion" . "population was expelled" . "German speaking majority was expelled" . "was taking place" . "historic events" . "ethnic cleansing" . "expulsed after WWII" . "1945" . "expulsion of Germans" . "was deported" . "expulsions" . "ethnic expulsions" . "expulsion of German population" . "displacement of German population" . "driven out of" . "Germans were expelled" . "exile of the Sudetenland Germans in 1945" . "Germans" . "as was done to its ethnic Germans" . . "expelled from Czechoslovakia" . "expulsion of Sudeten Germans" . . "expelled from the country" . "expulsion of the Sudeten Germans" . "ethnically cleansed" . "expelling them" . "from" . "the ethnic cleansing of the area" . . "liberation" . "expulsion of the German population" . "relocating ethnic-German antifascists" . . "were forcibly expelled and deported" . "expel nearly all Germans in 1945 and 1947" . "Expulsion of Germans" . "all of Czechoslovakia" . "German inhabitants was expelled" . "expelled from their homeland" . "Final Solution of the German Question" . "forced expulsion from Czechoslovakia" . . "post-World War II expulsion of the Sudeten Germans" . "displacement" . "all Germans were being expelled" . "forcibly relocated" . "expulsions of the Sudeten Germans" . "German population was expelled" . "population was mostly exiled in 1945" . . "expulsion from Czechoslovakia" . "evict ethnic Germans" . "expelled after World War II" . "the German inhabitants had been previously expelled" . "Czech internment camps" . "Czechoslovakia" . "relocated" . "had been expelled" . "expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia" . "post\u2013war ethnic cleansing" . "expulsion of German-speaking people in 1946" .