"Federal Marriage Amendment" . . "federal constitutional amendment to ban recognition of same-sex marriage" . "amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn the decision" . "Marriage Protection Amendment" . "federal marriage amendment" . "federal ban" . "proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution to ban same-sex marriage" . . "federal constitutional amendment" . . "amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would ban same-sex marriage" . "marriage was between one man and one woman" . . "constitutional amendment banning gay marriage" . . "constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage" . "proposed constitutional amendment to restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples" . "federal U.S. constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman" . . "federal" . "Constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman" . "constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman" . "amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage" . . "amend the US constitution to ban same-sex marriage" . "constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage" . "amendment to the Constitution barring same-sex marriage" . "Defense of Marriage Amendment" . "federal constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage" . "Federal Marriage Amendment" . "proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage" . "constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage" . . "an amendment" . "federal amendment" . "Federal Constitutional Amendment" . . "amendment to ban same-sex marriage" . . "amendment" . "proposed constitutional amendment" . "constitutional amendment" . . . "constitutional ban on same-sex marriage" . "national constitutional amendment" .