"its centenary" . "First World war" . . "conflict's centenary" . "centenary commemorations" . . "First World War Centenary" . . . "First World War centenary" . . "centenary of the ending of the First World War" . "Leaders from more than 40 international organizations and dignitaries from nearly 200 countries attends the centennial of the ending of the First World War" . "centenary of the First World War." . "centenary of the First World War" . "First World War centenary" . "centenary" . "centenary of the end of the First World War" . "the commemoration of the war during the period 2014 to 2018" . "Anzac Centenary" . "the centenary of the First World War" . "centenary of World War I" . . "the centenary" . "centenary of World War One" . . "first World War centenary" . "centenary of World War I" . "100th anniversary of World War I" . "100th anniversary of the end of World War I" . "centenary of WW1" . "centennial" . "100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War" . "First World War centenary#Australia" . "Centenary of the First World War" .