. "city walls and fortifications" . "one of 14 fortresses to protect city" . . . . . "one of 14 fortifications" . "fortified city" . "Fortifications of Bangkok" . "eight forts" . "old city walls" . "14 forts protecting Bangkok" . . "eight new forts" . "city walls" . "Phlan Phairi Rap Fort" . . "Pong Patchamit Fort" . . "Fortifications of Bangkok" . "forts" . "Fortifications of Bangkok#Pong Patchamit Fort" . "Fortifications of Bangkok#Mahakan Fort" . "Mahakan Fort" . "Fortifications of Bangkok#Wichaiprasit Fort" . "Palace Gate Remnants" . . "Fortifications of Bangkok#Phra Sumen Fort" . "fortifications built to protect the capital" .