"access to information laws" . "right-of-access" . "Access to Public Information" . . "Sunshine Law" . "transparent society" . . "sunshine code" . "FOI laws" . "Freedom of Information Act 1997" . "access to information" . "Freedom of Information Rights in Japan" . . "German Freedom of Information Act" . "Freedom of information laws by country: Serbia" . "public access to public documents" . "FOIA law" . "Freedom of Information Acts" . "Freedom of information laws" . "Freedom of information laws by country" . "FOI" . "Freedom of information legislation" . . "exist in over 70 countries" . "Freedom of information laws by country#South Korea" . "Access to Information law" . "Freedom of Information Act" . "freedom of information legal requirements" . "India" . "Access to Information" . "Code on Access to Information" . "Freedom of Information" . "Right to information" . "freedom of information laws" . "freedom of information legislation" . "freedom of information" . "public access" . "Freedom_of_information_laws_by_country#Finland" . "public access to information" . "Freedom_of_information_laws_by_country#Colombia" . "Freedom of information laws by country" . "open records laws" . "Principle of Public Access" . . "open meeting laws" . "right to information" . "Freedom_of_information_laws_by_country#Israel" . . .