"old colonies of French India" . . "French Indian" . "India" . . . . . . "Puducherry" . . "French engineers" . "\u00C9tablissements fran\u00E7ais de l'Inde" . . . . . "French" . . "Treaty of Cession of French Territories in India" . "Frenchman" . . "French settlements" . . . "French colonial" . . . "French Colonies" . "French Indian Settlements" . . "France's enclave in India" . "Governors general" . . "French power in India" . . . "French India" . . . "French colonial settlements in India" . . . . . . "enclaves" . "French establishments" . . "French colonies in India" . "French-occupied India" . "\u00E9tablissements fran\u00E7ais dans l'Inde" . . "France" . . "Indo-French relations" . . "French Establishments in India" . "French enclave" . . "French territories in India" . "French rule" . "French Colony" . . "economic and political presence" . "trading post on the Indian subcontinent" . . "Indian possessions" . . . . . "French establishments of India" . . "French settlement in India" . . "French India colony" . . "small enclaves" . "French Pondicherry" . . "French possessions on the Indian Subcontinent" . . . . "Governor-General of French India" . "French Indian Ocean colonies" . . . . . "French colonial rule" . . "French colony" . "four territories of former French India" . "French establishment in India" . . "French colonies" . "enclaves in India" . "List of Governors of French Establishments in India" . . . "French settlements in India" . "French Establishments" . . . "Pondicherry" . "French Settlements in India" . . "Indes-Orientales" . . "French territory" . "French Indian outposts" . . . . "French empire" . . "a presence" . . . "French Governor of Pondicherry" . "French establishments in India" . . "French India" . "French rule of Pondicherry" . . . "factories" . "four colonies across India" . . "French in India" . "French India" . . . . "French Establishments of India" . .