. . "Nedi\u0107 government" . . . "Minister of Interior" . "regime of Milan Nedi\u0107" . "occupied" . "collaborationist regime" . "Prime Minister" . . "Nedi\u0107's collaborationist regime" . "quisling government" . "German-appointed puppet regime" . "Nedi\u0107 administration" . "Quisling administration in Serbia" . "puppet government" . . "Government of National Salvation" . "Serbian Government of National Salvation" . "German authorities" . "a puppet government" . "Government" . . "German puppet state" . . . . "Nedi\u0107's regime" . "National Salvation" . . "puppet regime" . "German-installed one" . "new puppet government" . . . "Serbian puppet governments" . . . . "okruzi and srezovi" . . "Nedi\u0107's Serbia" . "Nedic's Serbia" . "collaborationist puppet government" . . . . . . "Serbian puppet state" . . "Nedi\u0107 regime" . . "Nedi\u0107's government" . "puppet government of Serbia" . . "collaborators" . . "government" . . "Serbia" . . "Serbian puppet government" . . "German-installed Serbian state" . "Government of National Salvation" . . "President of the Ministerial Council of the Serbian Government of National Salvation" . "collaborationist government" . . "Serbian" . "World War II puppet government of Serbia" . "civil puppet government" . "Nedi\u0107\u2019s Serbia" . . . "puppet regime in Serbia" . "Government of National Salvation#Administrative divisions" . "VNS" . . "Serbian puppet regime" . .