"Ministry of Education, Universities,
Science and Spokesperson" . "Minister of Employment, Tourism and Culture" . "Vice Presidency, Ministry of Education and Universities" . "Ministry of Family, Youth
and Social Policy" . "Government of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Interior" . "Minister of Transport, Housing and Infrastructures" . "Deputy Minister of the Presidency and Justice of the Community of Madrid" . "Ministry of Education, Universities, Science and Spokesperson" . "Minister of Housing and Local Administration" . "Vice President, Minister of Sports and Transparency
and Spokesperson of the Government" . "executive branch" . "Consejer\u00EDa de Educaci\u00F3n de la Comunidad de Madrid" . "Minister of Education and Research" . "Councillor of Economy and Finance of the Community of Madrid" . . "Cabinet Minister of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid" . "Cabinet Minister of Social Policy, Family, Equality and Natality of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Transport and Infrastructures of the Community of Madrid" . "Regional Minister of Transports of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of the Presidency" . "Minister of the Environment, Housing and Agriculture" . "Ministry of Local Administration and Digitalization" . "Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures" . . "Regional Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports" . "Ministry of the Presidency,
Justice and Interior" . . "regional government of the Community of Madrid" . "Ministry of Education and Research" . "Vice Presidency, Ministry of Education
and Universities" . "Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment" . "Minister of Economy, Employment and Competitiveness" . "Councillor of Transportation, Mobility and Infraestructure of the Community of Madrid" . "Consejer\u00EDa de Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid" . "Cabinet Minister of Education and Youth of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Local Administration and Digitalization" . "Minister of Education, Universities, Science and Spokesperson" . "Ministry of the Environment,
Housing and Agriculture" . "Cabinet Minister of Finance and Civil Service" . "Ministry of Health" . "Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment" . "Councillor of the Presidency and Justice of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Transport, Infrastructures and Housing" . "Government of the
Community of Madrid" . "Cabinet Minister of Finance and Civil Service of the Community of Madrid" . "Cabinet Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid" . "Council of Government" . "Minister of Family, Youth and Social Policy" . "Deputy Councillor of the Presidency and Justice of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Justice" . "Government of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of the Environment, Local Administration and Territory Planning" . "Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports" . "Vice President of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Justice, Interior and Victims of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Economy and Finance of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Social Policies, Families, Equality and Natality" . . "Director-General of Artistic Heritage of the Community of Madrid" . "Councillor of Culture and Tourism of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation" . "Councillor of Education, Culture and Sports of the Community of Madrid" . "Council of Government of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Spokesperson of the Government" . "Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Agriculture" . "Vice President, Minister of the Presidency
and Spokesperson of the Government" . "Ministry of Transport
and Infrastructures" . "Government" . "Minister of Social Affairs" . "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" . "Minister of Transportation of the Community of Madrid" . "Ministry of Economy,
Finance and Employment" . "Minister of Social Policies and Family" . "Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports" . "Minister of the Environment, Territory Planning and Sustainability" . "Minister of Education and Youth of the Community of Madrid" . "regional government of Madrid" . "Minister of Education and Youth" . . "Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Policy" . "Minister of Transport and Infrastructures" . "Cabinet Minister of Health" . . "Cabinet Minister of Economy, Employment and Competitiveness" . "Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Interior of the Community of Madrid" . "Vice President, Minister of Education and Universities" . "Minister of Education, Youth and Sports" . . "Government of the
Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures" . "government of the Community of Madrid" . "Regional Government of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Finance and Civil Service" . "Minister of the Environment and Territory Planning" . "Vice President" . "Ministry of Culture,
Tourism and Sports" . "Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism" . "Minister of Justice, Interior and Victims" . "Vice President, Cabinet Minister of Sports and Transparency and Spokesperson of the Government of the Community of Madrid" . "Cabinet Minister of Justice, Interior and Victims of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Health" . "Vicepresident of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Culture and Tourism" . "Community of Madrid" . . "regional government" . "Minister of Sports and Transparency of the Community of Madrid" . "Government Spokesperson of the Community of Madrid" . "Councillor of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructure of the Community of Madrid" . "Minister of Sports and Transparency" . "Ministry of Local Administration
and Digitalization" . . "Minister of Economy, Employment and Finance" . "Spokesperson of the Government" . "Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Interior" . "Minister of Economy and Finance" . "Councillor of Education and Youth of the Community of Madrid" . "Councillor of Education and Universities of the Community of Madrid" .