"Indianized kingdom" . "southeast Asia" . "Indian cultural influence" . "Greater India#Indianised kingdoms" . "Indian cultural" . "Southeast Asian political formations" . . "India" . "Indianized state" . "greater India" . "Indianised" . "extensive Indian cultural influence" . "Hindu-Buddhist era" . "Indianised culture" . "Indosphere" . "ancient India" . . "Greater India#Waning of Indianization" . . "Indianized polity of Philippines" . "Greater India" . . "Indian geographical sphere of influence" . "other places influenced by Hindu-Buddhist culture" . "India beyond the Ganges" . "Indianised trading kingdoms" . . "Indianisation" . "Bharatam" . . "regional" . "cultural Indianisation" . "Indian" . "Indianized" . "Indianised kingdoms" . "Akhand Bharat" . "South Asian influence" . "Greater India#Undivided_India" . . "Greater_India#Cultural_commonalities" . "Indianization" . . . "Indianized world" . "Indian sphere of cultural influence" . . "the classical Indianized civilizations of Southeast Asia" . . . "religious and economic ties with South East Asia since the ancient times" . "Indianised kingdom" . "Greater India" . "historical Indian cultural influences" . "indianized" . "Ancient India" . . "Three Indias" . "''Indianised Kingdoms''" . . . "Indianized Kingdoms" . "the geographical scope of direct Indian influence" . "Indianization era" . "Indian arts" . "economic activity and commerce" . "Indic cultures" . "politically as parts of India" . "considerable cultural influence" . "single Indian nation" . "neighbouring countries" . . . "contact with ancient India" . "Indianized kingdoms" . "Indianised kingdoms and empires" . "based on" . "seas to the east" . "Hindu kingdom" . "Hindu empires" . . . . "people with whom they traded" . "Indianized native kingdoms" . "Indies" . "Indian cultural sphere" . "Bharati" . "cultural" . "Southeast Asia's Hindu past" . "indianized kingdom" . "syncretistically adapted" . "Indian influence" . "influenced by Hindu and Buddhist cultures" . "Indian culture permeated the early civilizations of Southeast Asia" .