"Gun politics" . . "Gun availability in the United States" . "U.S. gun laws" . . . "Gun_politics_in_the_United_States#History" . "gun control in America" . . "guns" . "firearms advocacy" . . "an issue of public debate" . "Gun_politics_in_the_United_States#Proposals_made_by_the_Trump_administration" . "registration of firearms" . "fondness for guns" . "gun owners" . "Gun politics in the United States" . "gun rights" . "the issue" . "gun control debate in the United States" . "access to guns" . "gun control policies" . "individual(s) or firm who sold the weapons" . "tighter gun laws" . "legislation of firearms in the United States" . "pro-gun rights" . "firearm groups" . "gun rights." . "gun control organizations" . "debates" . "gun control interests" . "legislation increasing restrictions on guns" . "stricter gun laws" . "Gun politics in the United States#Gun laws" . "gun control" . "firearms" . "gun ownership rights" . "support for gun control" . . "gun debate" . . "national handgun legislation" . "gun-control" . "the lack of legislative gun control actions on the state and federal level" . "gun ownership" . . "gun control in the United States" . "gun rights advocates" . "Gun rights" . "gun" . "gun control law" . "Gun control advocacy" . "individual gun ownership" . "Gun_politics_in_the_United_States#Advocacy_groups,_PACs,_and_lobbying" . "United States" . "gun rights advocate" . "gun control reform" . "reforming gun policy" . "American gun control policies" . "gun politics" . "Second Amendment advocates" . "United States gun control debate" . "gun control regulations" . "gun control issues" . "gun law" . "Gun control" . "The debate" . "gun control laws" . "gun-rights" . "controversial issue" . "inability to introduce any binding form of gun control" . "active gun user" . "his plans" . "Pro-gun advocates" . . "gun rights lobbying" . "contentious political debate" . "banning guns" . "security against tyranny" . "gun debate in America" . "gun control bill" . . "gun control measures" . "Gun policy" . "gun-control policies" . "gun policy" . "Gun politics in the United States#Political arguments" . "Gun rights' issue" . . "gun reform" . . "anti-gun control" . . "opposed" . "gun rights in the US" . "guns' rights" . "gun control debate" . . "pro-gun control" . "the gun control issue" . . "gun politics in the United States" . "semi-automatic firearms" . "for the right to bear arms" . "gun rights organizations" . "gun control legislation" . "Gun control policy of the United States" . "political debate on gun control" . "politics" . . "attitudes towards guns and shooting in the United States" . "pro-gun" . "Second Amendment rights" . "effort" . "gun rights lobbyist" . "gun lobbyists" . "U.S. gun politics" . "varies considerably by political party" . . "gun rights activists" . "increasing requirements for gun ownership" . "Gun politics in the United States" .