"impact on the environment" . "wildlife habitat" . "destroying their habitat" . "destruction of the American land" . "natural habitat destruction" . "habitat has degraded" . . "habitat change" . "Loss of habitat" . "forest loss" . "habitat disturbance" . "degradation" . . "destroys natural habitats" . "habitat loss and degradation" . "displacement" . "elimination of wet habitats" . "habitat clearance" . "destruction of its habitats" . "destroy" . "Habitat destruction by humans" . "potential habitat modification" . "degraded habitats" . "habitat degradation" . "wiping away habitats" . "habitat destruction" . "transformation to the ecosystems" . "destroying habitats" . "destruction of natural ecosystems" . . "Habitat loss" . "habitat disruption" . "threatened" . . . "loss of habitats" . "habitat removal" . "destroyed" . "Habitat destruction" . "destroying the natural habitat" . . "interference with habitat" . . "habitat faces destruction" . "shortages of natural habitat" . "habitat alteration" . "habitat loss" . "Habitat degradation" . "habitat was lost" . "human-altered landscapes" . "habitat conversion" . "degradation of habitat" . . "wildlife habitats" . "degraded" . . "modified habitat" . "habitat modification" . "habitat" . "destroyed their habitat" . "destruction of its habitat" . "loss of habitat" . "habitat deterioration" . "lost their habitats" . . "Habitat destruction" . "degrades habitat" . "habitat modifications" . . . "destroying habitat" . "habitat displacement" . . "natural habitats are destroyed" . . "habitat reduction" . . "destruction" . . "destroying" . "widespread loss" . "decline in habitat quality" . "destruction of habitat" . "destruction or degradation of habitat" . "human activities" . "Mass destruction of wildlife habitat" . "destroyed the natural habitat" . "habitat loss and fragmentation" . "Habitat Loss" . "habitats" . "habitat clearing" . "loss" . . "destruction of habitats" . "cleared forest habitat" . "lose their habitats" . "habitat loss or degradation" . "habitat damage" . "cleared" . "destruction of natural habitats" . "Habitat_destruction#Human_causes" . "habitat modification/destruction" . . "encroachment" . "degeneration" .