"loss of feeling on one side of the body" . . . . "paralysis on his left side" . . . . . "paralyzes the left half of his body" . "inability to move half the body" . "paralyzed in the entire right half of his body" . "hemiparetic" . "muscle weakness and loss of muscle function" . "hemiparesis" . . . . "hemiplegic" . "hemiphlagia" . . . "weakness of half the body" . "," . "stroke" . "weakening his body's left side" . "094.89" . . "hemiplegics" . "438.2" . . "one-sided weakness" . . "G81.9" . "Hemiparesis" . . "weakened" . . . . "D006429" . "inability to move half his body" . "hemiplegia" . . "loss of motor functions" . "Hemiparesis" . "342.9" .