. . "zt\\\"l" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism" . "HaTzadik" . . . "ZT\\\"L" . "Honorifics_for_the_dead_in_Judaism#Peace_be_upon_him/her" . . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism" . "(ZT\\\"L)" . . "Alav hashalom" . "peace be upon him" . "May the memory of the righteous be a blessing" . "\\\"of blessed memory\\\"" . "Of Blessed Memory" . "Honorifics_for_the_dead_in_Judaism#Of_blessed_memory" . "z\\\"ya" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#Of blessed memory" . "formula for the dead" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#Memory of the righteous" . "z''l" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#May HaShem avenge his/her blood" . "of blessed memory" . . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#Peace be upon him/her" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#Peace_be_upon_him/her" . "Honorifics for the dead in Judaism#Comparison chart" .