. . "the clash" . "fatally fired on them" . "shootings of nine unarmed civilians" . . "government shooting" . "crackdown on Buddhist monks" . "nine Buddhist protesters were killed in Hu\u1EBF" . "shootings of nine Buddhist protesters" . . "nine Buddhist civilians" . "Hu\u1EBF Ph\u1EADt \u0110\u1EA3n shootings" . "Hu\u1EBF Vesak shootings" . "Hu\u1EBF, violence erupted" . "open fire on Buddhists" . . . "Hu\u1EBF Ph\u1EADt \u0110\u1EA3n shootings" . "shootings of nine Buddhists" . . "fired into the crowd of protesters, killing nine people" . "nine people were killed by government forces" . "nine Buddhists died" . "shooting by authorities of nine Buddhists in Hu\u1EBF" . . "firing on Buddhist dissidents" . . . "after demonstrators were killed" . .