. "from human forces" . "human activity" . "Anthropogenic emission sources" . "anthropogenic" . "humans impact on the environment" . "anthropogenic changes" . "impact on the Earth's natural environment" . "affected by the actions of people" . "impact on our environment" . "Man-made climate change" . "exceed soil creation rates" . "anthropogenic environmental change" . . "Human impact on the environment" . "human-made" . "human interaction with the Earth" . "anthropogenic threats" . "anthropogenic processes" . "anthropogenic effects" . "Anthropogenic" . "negative effects on the environment" . "Human impact on the environment" . "human impact" . "anthropogenic environmental alterations" . . . "human impact on the natural environment" . . "effects on the environment" . "the role of humans in climate change" . "anthropogenic landscapes" . "environmental impact" . "human activity during the 20th century led to environmental changes on an unprecedented scale" . "human-induced environmental change" . "human-created" . "impacts on the environment" . "result of human activities" . "human impact on the environment" . "anthropogenic factors" . "due to human activity" . "impacted by humans" . "environmental effects" . "environmental change" . "anthropogenic influences" . "human consumption" . "human interference" . "human impacts" . "increasingly impacted Earth's environment" . "man-made" . "growing pressures on the environment" . "anthroprogenic" . "impact of human activity on the environment" . . . "human-sourced" . "human-produced" . "environmental problems" . "human impacts on the environment" . "Human interaction with the Earth" . "human interaction with the natural world" . . "atmospheric changes" . "anthropogenic modification" . . "driven by human activities" . "worldwide effect" . "anthropogenically altered environments" . "destruction of the natural world" . "anthropogenic factor" . "anthropogemicism" . "human-induced processes" . "human intervention" . "damages done to the environment" . "human actions" . "environmental and ecological problems" . "impacts by society" . "caused by humans" . "human-induced" . "threatened by human activities" . "human pressures on the environment" . "anthropogenically" . "most dominant environmental issues" . "human-induced environmental impacts" . "Earth's ecosystems from human populations" . "human impacts on nature" . "impact on the environment" . "environmental abuses" . "Humans" . . "anthropogenic load" . . "human disturbances" . "effects of human activity on the biophysical environment" . "affected" . "environmental impacts" . "anthropogenic impact on the environment" . . . "anthropogenic disturbances" . "impacting Earth and its life" . "Anthropogenic effects" . "human culture" . "humankind's" . "human disturbance" . "anthropogenic activity" . "human-sourced depletions" . "environmental impact of humans" . "human origin" . "impact of human society" . . "anthropogenic global change" . "human activity on climate change" . "effects that humans are having" . "human activities" . "human influences" . "environmental concerns" . "local and global impacts of human activity" . "Anthropogenic activities" . "humans' impact on the environment" . "anthropogenic pollution" . "anthropogenic disturbance" . "Human impact on the environment#Manufactured products" . "humanity's impact on nature" . "anthropogenic activities" . "impact of human habitation" . . "human actions impacting on the natural environment" . "damages that humans have caused" . "Human environmental impact" . "humanity's gradual destruction of the environment" . "effect on the environment" . "dramatic impact" . "human influence" . "influence on Earth" . "the environment" . "climate change" . "impact" . "ecological impact" . "anthropogenic mortality" . "anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions" . "anthropogenic environment" . "anthropogenic destruction of nature" . "unsustainable environmental impacts" . "environmental impact of human activity" . "human-caused destruction" . "environment" . "anthropogenic climate change" . "abuse of the environment" . "human caused changes" . "a man-made phenomenon" . "impacts of mankind" . "Human_impact_on_the_environment#Technology impacts" . "a person consciously chooses in order to minimize the negative impact of their actions on the environment" . "human environmental impact and concerns" . "environmental causes" . "human effect on nature" . "humanity's effect" . "anthropogenic influence" . "anthropogenic causes" . "harm coming from human activities" . "caused by human" . "anthropogenic impacts" . "environmental" . "human-made environment" . "environmentally damaging" .