. "hydrofacturing" . "hydraulic tensile fracturing" . "Hydraulic_fracturing#Documentary_films" . "fracking for oil" . . "injections of fluids" . "oil fracking" . "massive hydraulic fracturing" . "hydrofracturing" . "Oil fracking" . . "fracking" . "extraction" . "gas development" . "hydraulic fracking" . "hydrofracked" . "Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing" . "shale gas fracking" . "hydraulically fracture" . "Hydraulic_fracturing#Health_risks" . "fracking'" . "Hydrafrac" . "Hydrofracturing" . . "faces widespread debate" . . "gas drilling sites" . "hydraulic fracturing" . "hydrofracking" . "high-pressure water" . "produced during oil extraction" . "hydraulically fractured" . "Hydraulic_fracturing#History" . "hydraulic fracture" . "Hydraulic Fracturing" . . "stimulation" . . "viewed as an economical method for natural gas extraction" . "reservoir stimulation" . "fracture" . "hydrofracture" . "hydro-fracturing" . "natural gas drilling" . . "hydraulic fractures" . . "frac" . "Hydraulic fracturing#Massive fracturing" . "sand" . "frack" . . "deep fracking" . "hydraulic fracturing (fracking)" . "fractured by artificial means" . "Hydraulic fracturing#Method" . "fracked" . "environmental impacts of fracking" . "drilling for shale gas" . "recycled frack wastewater" . . "Hydraulic_fracturing#Microseismic_monitoring" . . "Fracking" . "fracturing" . "induced hydraulic fracture" . "two main approaches to regulation" . "Hydraulic fracturing" . . "gas" . "Hydraulic fracturing" . "regulatory debates over the issue of hydraulic fracturing and its risks" . "hydraulic fracturing waste" . "chemicals in hydraulic fracturing fluid" . "Hydraulic fracturing#Public debate" . "fracking crew" . "Natural gas extracted" . "test for shale gas" .