"Soviet-style communism" . . "Bolshevik ideology of the Soviet Union" . "Soviet Communism" . "ideological tone" . "the forces of Soviet Communism" . "their ideology" . "ideological reasons" . . . "Bolshevik Ideology" . "Soviet model" . "state ideology" . "ideological grounds" . "Soviet communism" . "\\\"Soviet-style socialism\\\"" . "Russian communism" . "Communism as practiced in the Soviet Union" . "Communist" . . "Soviet-style Communism" . . "Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union#Dictatorship of the proletariat" . "ideologists" . "Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" . "\\\"Soviet imperial socialism\\\"" . . "principles of Soviet ideology" . "Soviet Marxism" . "Soviet ideologists" . "ideology" . "Socialism" . "Soviet-style socialism" . "Soviet-Socialist" . "Soviet-style communist rule" . "Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" . "Soviet ideals" . "pro-Soviet" . "\\\"Soviet Socialism\\\"" . "\\\"socialist\\\"" . "Soviet version of Communism" . "ideological Party work" . . "ideologically" . "Soviet socialism" . "ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" . "Communism of the Soviet Union" . "official guiding ideology" . "ideology of the USSR" . "Soviet ideology" . "party's dogma" . "Communism" .