"Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire" . "Diet of Aix of 802-803" . . "Imperial councils" . "Protestant body in the Reichstag of the Holy Roman Empire" . . "Imperial Diets" . "the Imperial Diet" . "diet" . "Imperial diet" . "imperial diet" . . "College of Princes" . "Imperial College of Princes" . "Reichsf\u00FCrstenrat" . "Locations of Imperial Diets" . "imperial assembly" . "Imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire" . "the \\\"Imperial Diet\\\"" . "Reichstag of Nuremberg" . "Imperial Diet (''Reichstag'')" . "Reichstag of Forchheim" . . "the Protestant body in the Reichstag" . "Imperial Diet (Holy Roman Empire)" . "imperial court" . "Imperial Diet of Regensburg" . "assembly of the German princes" . "Diet of W\u00FCrzburg" . "Imperial principalities" . "German Reichstag" . "assembly" . "Protestant body in the Reichstag" . . "Imperial Diet" . "Diet of Cologne" . . "First Consul" . "Diet" . "Regensburg Reichstag" . "Imperial Diet (Holy Roman Empire)" . "imperial diets" . "Diets" . "Imperial Diet (Council)" . "Protestant states" . "''Reichstag''" . "government" . "Imperial Diet (Reichstag)" . "diets" . "Imperial war" . "Diet at Hermsdorf" . . "German Parliament" . "Reichstag" . "war against France" . "Council of Princes" . . . "Imperial Diet (''\\\"... Reichstag\\\" / \\\"... parliament\\\"'')" . "Imperial Diet's" .