. "West Germany" . "The Six" . "Netherlands" . . "founding members of the European Communities" . . "six founding member states" . "the original six" . "six core states" . . . "six 'inner'" . "six founding members" . "Belgium" . "the six member states'" . "Italy" . "first states" . "founding member" . "Inner Six" . "six founding member states of the ECSC" . . "Inner Six" . "6 members" . "ECSC members" . "inner six" . "the Six" . "Six" . "founding members of the European Union" . "the six members" . "Inner Six/Outer Seven" . . "six member states" . "original six members" . "Luxembourg" . "Founding members" . "France" . "six founding states" . . "six countries" . "founding" . "founding members" . "six" . "six original member states" . "communities' states" .