"25 infantrymen" . "25 cavalrymen" . "Netherlands" . . "In 1633, he and Diego el Mulato attacked Campeche" . "vars. ill" . "Jan Janszoon van Hoorn's expedition of 1633" . "no vessels seized" . . "vars. wounded" . "Sack of Campeche (1633)" . "1 Splinter expedition under Cornelis Jol in" . . "3 In Trujillo and S. Pedro (in the city's vicinity)200 vecinos, 400 Blacks and mulatos / In Campeachy350 vecinos, 50 Blacks and mulatos, 1,000 Amerindians" . "1633 Sack of Campeche" . "they returned August 12" . . "518 sailors" . "420 infantry" . "Jan Janszoon van Hoorn's expedition of 1633" . "2 Mart\u00EDnez de la Ribamont\u00E1n Santander suspended from office during first hall of 1633, with Miranda acting governor ad interim" . "Dutch victory" . . "Spain" . "> 30 deaths" . . "2,000 civilians3" . . "between 1633" . "none detained" . "looting the settlement in 1633" . . "attacked Campeche on 11 August 1633" . . .