. "Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible" . . "JST" . . . "Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible: Publication and use" . "Smith's re-translation" . . . . . "Bible translation" . "Joseph_Smith_Translation_of_the_Bible" . "translating" . . "Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible" . "retranslation" . . . . "Joseph Smith began translating the Bible" . . "Inspired Version of the Bible" . "his translation of the Bible" . . "translation of the Bible" . . "Translation" . "his own translation" . "translation" . "his own revision and commentary" . "translation of the New Testament passage" . "inspired revision of the Bible" . . . "\\\"New Translation\\\" of the Bible" . "the correction" . "Joseph Smith Translation" . "Inspired Translation" . "his revision of the Bible" . "revision of the Bible" . . "Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible" . . . "Inspired Version" . "Smith's revision" . "the Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures" . . . .