"de uxoris" . "married" . "by marriage" . "Through" . . "virtue of his marriage" . "and" . "co-pretender" . "King by the right of his wife" . "reigning with her husband" . "co-ruler" . "administered" . "Jure uxoris" . . "by right of his wife" . "by his marriage" . . "pressed" . "''consort''" . "right of their wives" . "through marriage" . "Jure Uxoris" . "the co-ruler of his wife and niece" . "in his wife's right" . "unite their kingdoms" . . "in right of whom" . . "the right of his wife" . "right of his wife" . "''iure uxoris''" . "jure uxoris" . "Upon his marriage" . "By virtue of his marriage" . "de jure uxoris" . "in right of his wife" . "alongside her" . "jure uxorious" . "Jure uxoris" . "By the right of his wife" . . "using his wife's ducal title" . "suo uxoris" . "co" . "in her right" . "By his marriage" . . "''jure uxoris" . "iure uxoris" . "thus" . "''jure uxeris''" . "by right of his spouse" . . "exercise power on her behalf" .