. . . "deaths of four students at Kent State University" . "killed by the National Guard at Kent State University" . . . "shooting into a crowd of students" . . . "shootings of May 4, 1970" . "Kent_State_shootings#Memorials_at_Kent_State" . "Kent State University tragedy" . . . "fatal shooting of four students at Kent State University" . . "Kent State shootings#Memorials at Kent State" . . "the guard opening fire on demonstrating students" . "Kent State University" . "fired on students" . . "shootings of four students at Kent State" . "shooting deaths" . . . "shooting of students" . "The Kent State Massacre" . "69767.804722176" . "Kent State shootings" . . "Kent State Shootings" . . . "killed four students" . "1970 shootings at Kent State University" . "shootings" . "Four students were killed by National Guardsmen" . "National Guard shooting four students dead in Kent State University" . . . . "Kent State University protest" . "shooting deaths of four students" . "fired on" . "shot four students during an antiwar protest" . . "shootings at Kent State" . "Kent State shootings#Cultural references" . . "4 Students Dead in Ohio" . . . . "tragic consequences." . "Kent State Massacre" . . "killings of four students at Kent State University" . "killed by the Ohio Army National Guard at a campus protest" . "Kent State riots" . . "Homicide" . "killing of four students" . . . . . "shooting of four students at Kent State" . . "fired on student protesters" . . . . "''The Kent State Massacre''" . . . . "killings at Kent State" . . "subsequent shooting of anti-war protestors at Kent State University on May 4" . "shooting of student protesters" . . "Kent State Shooting" . . "1970 shooting of four students" . "Kent State riots/shootings" . "four students killed there by the Ohio National Guard in 1970" . . "Four college students were shot and killed" . "had shot and killed four students" . "thirteen students were shot" . "shooting of college students" . "shot dead in 1970" . . . . . . "Kent" . "1970 Kent State shootings" . "May 4, 1970 shootings" . "fired at students" . "Kent State Vietnam War protests" . "shootings at a demonstration at Kent State University" . . "killings of four students at Kent State" . "Kent State/Cambodian Incursion Protest" . . "opened fire on protesting students at Kent State University" . . . . "shooting and killing" . . "firing on a student demonstration" . "the May 4, 1970 shootings at the university" . . . "shooting of four students" . "Kent State massacre" . "10000046" . . "Kent State" . "death of four students" . . . . "massacre of four students at Kent State" . . . . "Kent State University shootings" . "Kent_State_shootings" . . "Kent State shootings#Legal action" . . "four college students were shot and killed" . . "May, 1970" . . . "May 4" . "Kent State shootings" . "shootings at Kent State University" . "killing of four students at Kent State University" .