. "King James Bible" . "English translation" . "King James Version of the Bible" . "King James Version" . . . "Holy Bible (King James version)" . "Bible, King James Version" . "Apocrypha" . . "1611 Authorised Version" . . . "King James Bible's" . . . . "Authorised Version of the Bible" . . "The Complete Audio Bible" . "Authorized Version" . "King James Bible version" . . . "KJV" . . "King James version" . "King James
Version" . . . "King James the first" . "King James Version" . "AV" . . "KJV Old Testament and New Testament" . . "authorised version" . . . . . . . . . "King James Version (KJV)" . . . . "\\\"Authorized Version\\\" of the English Bible" . . "Authorised Version" . . . . "Authorized King James Version" . "King James Bible (Authorized Version)" . "King James translation of the bible" . "King James" . . . "American King James Version" . . . "King James bible" . . . . . . . "'''K'''ing '''J'''ames '''V'''ersion" . . "Holy Bible KJV" . . "translation of the Bible" . . "1611 King James Bible" . . "A.V." . "King James English translation" . "Authorized (King James) Version" . . . . "Authorized Version of the Bible" . . . "Authorised (King James) Version" . . . . . . . "AV (King James)" . "Authorized King James" . "King James version of the Bible" . "King James Authorized Version" . "First Westminster Company" . "Bible" . "King James translation" . . . "\\\"King James\\\" version" . . .