. "further riots" . "riots" . . . . "violent riots" . "immediate aftermath" . "1968" . "Riots broke out in 60 cities in the wake of King's death" . "wave of violent protests" . "wave of unrest" . "uprisings in other cities" . "unrest" . . "riots in North Omaha" . "rioting and disorder" . "Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr." . "rioting" . "the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination riots" . "rioting in the city" . "biggest wave of riots" . "ongoing nationwide riots" . "King-assassination riots" . "riots in April 1968 after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr." . "Riots broke out" . "outrage and riots" . "along with 110 other cities" . "riots erupt" . "riots following Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination" . "riots in many U.S. cities" . "riots that followed" . "deadly riots" . "potential riots" . "riots in American cities" . "King-related riots" . "Other riots" . . "seen in other cities" . "Riots erupted as well in 110 other US cities" . "over 100 riots" . "violent backlash" . . . "54 days of riots" . "race riots swept dozens of American cities" . . "more than 100 other U.S. cities" . "nationwide explosions" . . "King assassination riots, April 1968" . . "nationwide riots" . "the burning in many American cities" . "Holy Week Riots of 1968" . . "many other American cities" . . "civil disturbances, rioting and fires after King's death" . "ensuing riots" . "more than 100 U.S. cities" . "King assassination riots" . "King assassination riots" . "disturbances" . "more than 100 cities" . . . . . "1968 riots" . "riots erupting all over the U.S." . "1968 riots following the assassination" . . "riots in many cities" . "public unrest" . "Riots" . "Trenton was rocked by riots" . "riots across the country" . "riots precipitated by" . "1968 King-assassination riots" . . "civil unrest" .