"Joint statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity" . . "\\\"Joint Statement on Ending Acts of Violence Related Human Rights Violations Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity\\\"" . . "LGBT rights at the United Nations" . . . . "UN LGBTQ+ rights declaration" . "A/HRC/RES/17/19" . "UN General Assembly declaration for LGBT rights" . "UN LGBTI Core Group" . "LGBT rights at the United Nations#General Assembly resolution and declaration" . "U.N. declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality" . "a UN Declaration supporting LGBT rights in the General Assembly" . . "a UN Declaration" . . "2008 Joint Statements" . . "LGBT rights at the United Nations" . . . "UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity" . "\\\"joint statements on ending acts of violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity\\\" at the United Nations" . "joint statement on ending acts of violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity" . . . "opposing document" . . . "the United Nations" . "United Nations Homophobia Conference" . . "Joint statement on ending acts of violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity\\\"" . "United Nations joint statement condemning violence against LGBT people" .