. "Labor" . . "labour legislation" . "job protection and safety" . "labor reform" . . "Workers' rights" . "pro-worker" . "labour rights" . . "working conditions" . . "labor rights" . "rights" . "Labor rights" . . "workers\u2019 rights" . "traditional workers' rights" . "wage and hour rules" . . "right to unionise" . "labor advocate" . . . "rights of working people" . "Labour rights" . . . "workers rights" . . . "virtues of work" . . "the rights of workers" . "workers' rights" . . . "workers" . "fair treatment" . "Workers' Rights" . "labour" . . "labour movement" . "right to strike" . . "employment rights" . . . "human rights" . . "Labor rights#Core labor standards" . . "rights of the workers and laborers" . . "employees' rights" . "legally mandated" . "workers' right" . "Labour Laws" . "worker's rights" . "rights of workers" . "labor obligations" . "organized labor rights" . "rights granted to labor unions" . . "Labor rights" . . "right to organize" . "worker's rights." . "right" . . . . "labor" . "trade union" . . "fair labor conditions" . . "labor issues" . "political rights for workers" . "Workers Rights" . . . "labor conditions" . "right to work in a safe and healthy environment" . . "labor abuse" . . "worker rights" . "workplace issues" . "the workforce" . "position" . "rights for employees" . "union rights" .