. . "labor costs" . "labour theory of value" . "value theory" . "''labour theory of value''" . "cost/benefit ratio" . "labor-value" . "other theories of value" . . "from labor" . "economy of time" . "labor-cost theory of price" . "values" . . . "theory of value" . . "theories of value" . "Labour Theory of Value" . "Labor theory of value" . "labor theory value" . "labor theory of price" . . "labor theory" . . "Labor theory of value" . . "human labor into a larger value" . . . "Labor theory of Value" . "Others" . "value" . "cost of production" . . "labor theory of value" . "earlier writers" . . "Labor Theory of Value" . . "quantity-of-labor theory" . "Marx\u2019s Theory of Value" .