"lateralisation of the brain" . "dominant or non-dominant" . "right-brain/left-brain" . "hemispheric lateralization" . "associated with one side" . "lateralizing" . . "the left and the right side of the brain" . "left brain" . "non-dominant hemisphere" . . "cerebral hemispheres specialization" . "lateral asymmetry" . "Cerebral dominance" . "\\\"left-brained\\\"" . "right brain versus the left brain" . "non-dominant" . "Lateralization" . "hemispheric dominance" . "left cerebral hemisphere" . . "right-hemisphere dominant" . "lateralized" . "lateralization of cerebral hemispheres" . "hemisphere of the brain" . "hemispheric specialization of the brain" . . "lateralisation of brain function" . "emotion and intellect are at odds with each other" . "dominant hemisphere" . "two hemispheres of the brain" . "left" . "right-brain" . "lateralised" . "left hemispheric" . "brain-lateralization" . "right/left brain" . "left and right cerebral hemispheres." . "language lateralization" . "one hemisphere of the brain more than the other" . "right hemisphere dominance" . "hemisphere" . "is dominant" . "brain lateralisation" . "Cerebral asymmetry" . . "lateralization of other brain functions" . "right brain thinking" . "left/right brain pseudoscience" . "Right Brain" . "hemispheric coherence" . "the right and left brain" . "most people's speech-control center is on the left side of the brain" . "right hemisphere" . "lateralization of brain function" . "laterality" . "contralateral" . . "visual/brain lateralisation" . . "hemispheric specialization" . "hemispheric asymmetry" . "left brain/right brain" . "specialisation" . "dominant" . "Lateralization of brain function" . "hemisphere lateralization" . "functional lateralization" . "Traditional models" . . "left hemisphere" . "right-hemisphere lateralization" . "brain lateralization" . "lateralisation" . "cerebral lateralization" . "hemispheric functioning" . "contralaterally" . "left-hemisphere dominant" . . "Lateralization of brain function" . . "left-and-right sides" . "language processing" . "a brain's hemispheres" . "hemisphere-based system" . "lateralization" .