"congressional districts" . . "1st" . "Lone" . . "Samar\u20131st" . "3rd" . "Legislative districts of Samar" . "Samar's 1st District" . "1st District of Samar" . "1st district" . . . . . . "2nd District" . "2nd" . "Legislative districts of Samar" . . "Samar-1st" . "2nd District of Samar" . "first district" . "Samar's 3rd District" . . "Lone District of Samar" . "2nd district" . "Samar\u20132nd" . "1st Legislative District of Samar" . "Samar" . "2 legislative districts" . "third district" . "Parliamentary District of Samar" . "Samar's 1st legislative district" . . . "Representative of 2nd District of Samar" . "Samar's 2nd legislative district" . "first district of Samar" . "Samar-2nd" . "legislative districts of Samar" . "3rd District of Samar" . "District" . "Samar 1st District" . .