. . "first A-bomb" . "Little Boy\\\" (the Hiroshima bomb)" . . "atom bomb exploded" . "atomic bombs" . "Little Boy" . . . "the one that destroyed Hiroshima" . "Hiroshima atomic bomb" . . "nuclear bomb that destroyed Hiroshima" . . "effects of the 16 kt atomic bomb" . "Hiroshima bomb" . "atomic bombing of Hiroshima" . . "Hiroshima-type" . . "Hiroshima" . "the atomic device" . "the first atomic bomb" . . . . . "the bomb" . "effects of a 16 kt atomic bomb" . "atom bomb" . "the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima" . "first use on August 6, 1945" . "Little Boy" . "atomic bomb" . . "first atomic bomb used in combat" . . "Mark I Nuclear Weapon (Little Boy)" . . "first atomic bomb" . "bomb that destroyed the city of Hiroshima" . "bomb dropped on Hiroshima" . "16-kiloton nuclear bomb" . "Mark 1 Little Boy nuclear bomb" . . . "atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan" . "Hiroshima atom bomb" . . "Hiroshima Bombs" . "atomic bomb on Hiroshima" . . . "Little Boy (nuclear bomb)" . "atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima" . "atomic bomb detonated at Hiroshima" . . "new type of bomb" . "16 kt" . . . . . "first bomb" . "of the bombs dropped in Hiroshima" . . "atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima" . "dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima" . "3.048" . "Little Boy (Post-war development)" . . . "Hiroshima bombs" . . "the first atom bomb on Hiroshima" . . "an atomic bomb" . . "Hiroshima atomic bombs" . . "4399920.0" . . . "0.7112" .