"Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development" . "The General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts" . "Joint Committee on Higher Education" . "state Legislature" . "Colonial Massachusetts General Court" . "House of Representatives" . "colonial legislator" . "Legislature of Massachusetts" . "Massachusetts General Court" . . "State Capitol" . "Massachusetts state legislator" . "Massachusetts State Legislature" . "Joint Committee on Election Laws" . . . "75th Massachusetts General Court" . . "Massachusetts Court System" . "General Court of Massachusetts" . . "Massachusetts courts" . . "Massachusetts legislature" . . "Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Businesses" . "Legislature" . "Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government" . . "2018-07-26" . "Beacon Hill" . "Massachusetts colonial legislature" . "General Court of Mass." . "legislative branch" . . . "general court" . . "191st General Court" . "state legislator" . "2020-11-03" . . . "Massachusetts General Court" . . "state legislature" . "Massachusetts General Assembly" . "General Court representative" . "Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture" . "Massachusetts state legislature" . "in committee" . "legislature of Massachusetts" . "state legislature's" . "on Beacon Hill" . "Court" . . "General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts" . "Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony" . "Judge" . "State House" . . "state legislature of Massachusetts" . "Great and General Court of Massachusetts" . . . "Massachusetts Great and General Court" . "Court of Assistants" . . "40" . "Massachusetts" . "Massachusetts Assembly" . "Great and General Court" . "Massachusetts General Court#History" . "state representative" . . "general court of Massachusetts" . "160" . . "state Rep." . "colonial legislature" . "Massachusetts legislator" . . . "200" . "General Court's" . . "2021\u20132022 Massachusetts legislature" . "House of Assembly of Massachusetts Bay" . "state House and Senate" . "Joint Committee on Elder Affairs" . "legislators" . "State Legislature" . . "Massachusetts Bay Colony General Court" . . "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" . "General Court" . "Massachusetts State legislature" . . "Great Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts" . "provincial assembly (General Court)" . . "History of the Massachusetts General Court" . "Great and General Court of Massachusetts Bay" . . "Massachusetts Legislature" . "legislature" .