"metal-rich" . "next-generation star" . "metals" . "Population I" . "metal-deficient" . "concentration of heavy elements" . . "elements other than hydrogen" . "metal deficient" . "metal lines" . "older population of stars" . "chemical abundance" . "metallicity parameter" . "heavy element" . . "metal-poor stars" . "population I" . "non metallic" . "non-metallic" . "elemental abundances" . . "Population III" . . "abundance ratio" . "element abundance" . "metal abundances" . "\\\"metals\\\"" . "Metal-free" . "metallic lines" . "metal-lined" . . "Heavy elements" . "extremely metal-poor" . "stellar populations" . "population III stars" . "Population II" . "mass distributions of the various metals" . "Metallicity" . "astronomical metals" . "first-generation of stars" . "Metal poor" . "old disk population" . "elements other" . "metal content" . "population" . "heavy elements" . . "metallicity" . "stellar metallicity" . "elements" . . "heavier elements" . "iron content" . "Metallicity#Stars" . . "Population II stars" . "metal-poor" . "\\\"metallic\\\"" . "metal rich" . "metallic" . . "young disk star" . "[M/H]" . "metal-enriched" . "Z" . "extremely massive stars" . "zero-metallicity stars" . "Population III stars" . "population I stars" . "solar abundances" . "metal elements" . "other heavier" . . "metal-weak" . "chemical composition" . "elements heavier than helium" . "young stars" . "old population" . "Metallicity of the Sun" . . "metallicities" . "metal-lines" . . "composition of the Sun" . "intermediate populations" . "Metallicity" . "metal" . "solar metallicity" . "iron abundance" . "metal poor" .